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A University Comparison App

Problem Definition

The VP of Enrollment from the University of Lorem wants to understand why the dropout rate for her university is so high.  The dropout rate at her institution is currently at 62%. Meanwhile, the dropout rate at nearby Ipsum State University is only 45%. She wants to be able to see comparative data on a mobile device and compare various metrics for her own university (such as Average GPA, Average Freshman Age, Cost of Attendance, etc.) and compare those same statistics with the rest of the universities within the same conference.  


My solution for this problem was to create an app that allows the user to compare her institution to other institutions within the same conference.  The user first selects two institutions to compare, and can see how the two institutions stack up next to each other, as well as against the rest of a chosen conference for a particular metric. The user can then select two comparison metrics from a predetermined list, and see a visualization of the data to see if there is any correlation between the two metrics across all of the institutions in a chosen conference.


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